Friday, June 17, 2011

Status Update and News, Friday, June 17

Lots going on today in our area. 
1. Levee Status: No new Missouri River levee breaches have been reported. The secondary levee (High Bank Levee, located to the west of Big Lake, is strong and holding. The full length of it is being checked daily by the volunteers who helped build it. They are closely monitoring it for areas of deterioration or seepage. There are a couple of areas that will be worked on soon. One area is being impacted by waves created by the wind and they may need help laying plastic in this area to protect it. In another area, they may need dump trucks to help haul dirt to reinforce a thin area. IF help is needed, it will be posted here and on our Facebook page, as well as contact information if you can help.

2. Road Conditions: No roads have been closed by MODOT in Holt County due to flooding. (Check current road conditions.) Road/crossing closing done by the Railroad are possible and variable as they continue to do work on the rails along Hwy 159.

3. River Stage: 24.57 at the time of this writing. (Check current river stage.) Projected to reach 25.6 on Monday.

4. Some area farmers and businessmen met with the Railroad today for extensive talks. More details on this as the results of these talks become available.

Photos of the secondary levee, aka the High Bank Levee, constructed by local farmers and businessmen. Photos taken Thursday, June 16. (Click on image for larger view.)

This last photo (above) show the early stages of wind/wave deterioration. The Army Corps of Engineers is supplying plastic to protect this area. Help MAY be needed to lay/place this plastic.

Photos of Railroad activity taken Friday, June 17, 2011 (Click on image for larger view.)
(Below) RR track fortification. 
Taken from Del Rio Road and Hwy 159 facing east. (Del Rio Road is the first road west of Diamond Lane.)

 (Below) Significantly raised crossing on Hwy 111 near Hwy 159.

(Below) Rail work being completed just north of the above intersection. (Hwy 111 and 159 intersection) 

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